Saturday 14 November 2015

GameStart 2015 Day 1!

Alright it's late and I have a busy Day 2 tomorrow so will give you a quick update on the happenings at GameStart 2015.

For those who are curious, I purchased the VIP ticket at SGD$58 for the 3-day access pass. Was it worth it? Let's see..

Reached there about 3pm today and this is what I saw..

Absolutely empty queue.. Definitely not going to see this tomorrow as there will be long queues from early tomorrow.. Probably not as bad as last year considering the event is using 2 halls instead of 1 this year.

First things first.. Collected my freebies for being a PS Plus Subscriber..

A Street Fighter V Wall Sticker and PlayStation 20th Anniversary Decorative tape

Further in was the Playstation Stage where I was just in time for the Uncharted 4 Stage Demo. 

Same Stage Demo as the one from E3 2015.. Can't wait for this to be released and unfortunately, there was no playable demo at their booth.

Next I headed to the Namco Bandai Booth and inside there was this life-sized Dark Souls 3 statue.

Inside I tried out Dark Souls 3, which surprisingly I have no recollection of. I can't remember what I played on this, so gotta try it again tomorrow.

Just Cause 3 was fun.. didn't find any objectives to do so I just created havoc. and I also played Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 which I preformed fairly well at. Was mostly button mashing and I somehow did some super powered attacks. Won the first round but lost the other 2 shortly after.

For playing 3 games at the Namco Bandai booth, I got a goodie bag.

Nice cloth bag with a Just Cause 3 Summer of Chaos Tshirt and a Gundam lanyard.

Also saw this nice little figure magnet at the PLAYe booth. 

Apparently, if you pre-order with them via their PLAYe app, this comes as a pre-order bonus.

Walked around some more and passed by the Kinetiquettes booth.

Levitating M.Bison

Evil Ryu and Oni Akuma Diorama

As it's a local company, I have been following their work closely. Amazing stuff but I'm not a Street Fighter fan so hoping to see them make some productions that I may be interested in.

Headed back to the Playstation booth. Plenty of games there. Haven't tried everything but I did get some game time with some of the games I was interested in.

Tried Gravity Rush remastered..

Not my type of game, but I liked the visuals and it had a very different style of gameplay. There's the Collector's Editon for the game. Small but very cool figure.

Played some Star Wars Battlefront. I have no clue about the Star Wars franchise so I don't know their names unfortunately.

So yea embarrassing myself here.. First I played as the bad ugly face guy, powerful lightning attacks and it was a breeze. Later I played as some good guy trooper, a lot tougher but it was fun. I enjoyed this game a lot more than I thought I would. Probably might not pick up this game because I have too many others.

Afterwhich, tried BattleBorn.. I have heard about this game obviously but wasn't following it. Thought I should give it a try since I loved Borderlands.

BattleBorn feels a lot like Borderlands, probably too much. It is from the same developer, Gearbox Software but they didn't even try to hide it. 

The level design looked exactly like something you would see in Borderlands. Even the way the Bosses are introduced is exactly the same. The burst of loot after defeating an enemy looks all too similar, though they are no guns here.

The playable roster in the demo was plenty and yes it has a lot more characters from what Borderlands has. I believe there is a MOBA-style game mode as well so hopefully that will help to set BattleBorn apart from BL. 

The campain mode as of now, looks like a re-skinned Borderlands. Not entirely a bad thing though.. I enjoyed Borderlands and I enjoyed the demo here at GameStart as well. It's just that feeling where it feels too familiar. 

Oh and I got a Poster for trying out the game.

I have 2 since I went back again later to try out another character. Probably might pick up a few more in the next 2 days as I try out different characters.

Tried BloodBorne, Call of Duty Black Ops 3 and Fallout 4.. More on that in another update.

Went over to the Star Wars Battlepod.
Had to try this before the queues explode tomorrow. There's a $2 fee to try this out, which wasn't mentioned anywhere until you are up next in the queue. Still worth it though.

Awesome Blizzard Booth

and I ended up signing up my soul to the devil with this..

Maybe I'd just try it out to see how it feels. Don't have the time to get into this anyway.

Got a temporary tattoo for the Instagram competition..

If it isn't too much trouble, hope you guys can give me a "Like" on my Instagram Photo to help me win a BlizzCon Goodie Bag..

That's about all for Day 1. Didn't get to try PlayStation VR as it was already fully booked.

Glad I had already registered for the trial on the next 2 days.

Now for the loot..

Some of the goodies from the VIP Loot Bag along with the BattleBorn posters..

Street Fighter Shadaloo T-Shirt

Razer Loot

No idea what this is..

GameStart-themed loot!

Official XMashed Gear GameStart 2015 T-Shirt

Picked up these temp tattoos from the Blizzard booth as the day was reaching to an end and they had plenty of extras.

Now for Day 2! Hope to see some familiar faces there! Enjoy yourselves guys and check back again tomorrow for Day 2 coverage.

P.S it was a very rushed post, will edit mistakes later today.