Skipped pre-ordering this but with all the hype about WatchDogs, I convinced myself that this is actually a relevant piece of merchandise..
Price wasn't too bad, just a bit higher than the pre-order price but I missed out on whatever pre-order bonuses pre-orders got.
Let's unseal the shrink-wrap..
and check out it's contents..
This is exclusive only to certain Asian countries. A simple Special Edition, nothing too fancy but I find it fits the technology theme in WatchDogs.
It's specified as a "Bluetooth Keyboard for Tablet use only." I will have to test this one out soon.
I managed to get another 'Asia Exclusive' Goodie but don't have pics of that yet. Will update the blog pretty soon.
One more pic for comparison..
Buy Watch Dogs for PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U and PC on Play-Asia.com.