Tuesday 19 February 2019

Explaining Dead by Daylight to my kid...

So, was playing Dead by Daylight the other day, and my 6-year old daughter starts to get inquisitive..

I had this screen up when my kid walks in..

Saturday 9 February 2019

Udon Entertainment announces Art of Darksiders 3

So.. are you a fan of the Darksiders art like me? If you are.. you will love these!

Udon Entertainment has just announced the release of The Art of Darksiders III Hardcover book. 

This special Art book will feature over 200 pages of character art, rough concepts, environment designs, storyboards & more.

Wednesday 6 February 2019

Dead by Daylight: Moonrise Event

Another cool seasonal event is happening right now for Dead by Daylight!

Of course, the world is celebrating the Lunar New Year (Chinese New Year) right now and Dead by Daylight has something special for the players.

Tuesday 5 February 2019

PlayStation Plus' February 2019 Free Games Lineup (All Regions)

February's PS Plus Line-up is out and it's just awesome!

For Honor and Hitman (Season 1)! Two really fun games that I played and enjoyed! Fantastic games for free!