Thursday 29 May 2014

Marketing Strategies up a notch or just overboard?

With the release of WatchDogs this week, there has been some really crazy stories about Ubisoft in the news.

First there was this video..

Pranking customers into thinking they can actually hack into the system.

Then on Release Day, news spread that Ubisoft's Servers had been hacked. (Thanks to Louis Poh) for sharing that article. How ironic that Ubisoft get's hacked on the day it releases a game about hacking. Soon after, there was an update that it was a false alarm and the article seems to have been taken down. Apparently, someone dug up the old news from 2013 when Ubisoft actually did get hacked.

That wasn't all.. 

In Australia, the Bomb Squad were called in, in a WatchDogs PR Stunt gone wrong..

In the article, (via Kotaku) a black box, sent to the Ninemsn Offices, started beeping when a staff tried to enter a Pin Code and for safety precautions, staff members were evacuated and the Bomb Squad were called in.

Marketing Strategy? Coincidence? Bad Luck? You decide..

But like they say.. No Publicity is Bad Publicity..

Buy Watch Dogs for PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U and PC on