Tuesday 8 November 2016

Mafia 3: Early thoughts

Just some early thoughts from my first few hours into the game..

Mafia 3 was one of my most anticipated games of 2016 and I was building up the hype by playing through it's predecessor in the weeks leading up to it and watching all those trailers over & over again.

Mafia 3 was said to have a very dark setting based on violence, revenge and the racism and the game was quick to set the tone of the game right from the start.

As soon as I started the game, this disclaimer appears..

Things get serious from the start..

The game is set in 1968 but the story is told through other characters in the game in the future, who don't seem too cheerful about the memories and incidents that happened.. which makes me wonder about Lincoln Clay's fate at the end.

In 1 mission, the fate of a character is known before the mission begins..

Gameplay-wise, Mafia 3 has included certain features that the Assassin's Creed games have made popular. Whistling from cover to distract enemies and the intel feature which works a lot like the Eagle Vision. Honestly, I'm getting a bit sick of these gameplay mechanics which are making their way to almost every game in similar genres.

It works in certain games where characters have special abilities or gadgets that can track enemies but how can Lincoln Clay see enemies through walls? Just a game I know but it's getting too much.

A lot of people have mentioned that the gameplay has brought down the game but I would say that's a bit too harsh. It isn't ground-breaking but seems fine to me. However, I'm still only a few hours in.

One feature I liked was the use of arrows on-screen to guide the player to his/her destination. 

Overall, similar to Mafia 2, the story-telling is amazing and the cutscenes are always a joy to watch, with so many colourful characters.

Enjoying the game so far and I will post a review when I'm done.. Just getting a little distracted by all those Playboy Magazines..
