Wednesday 30 April 2014

WatchDogs' Season Pass DLCs Revealed!

No surprise here. WatchDogs will come with DLC and there will be a Season Pass to let you enjoy over 25% savings.

Check out the Season Pass trailer!

So it will have:
3 Additional Single Player Missions: Palace Pack, Signature Shot Pack & Breakthrough Pack
5 Additional Single Player Packs: Costumes from the looks of it..
Single Player Campaign: Play as T-Bone
Conspiracy: A New Game Mode

Too early to say if I'm gonna enjoy playing as T-Bone but looks like fun.

Conspiracy looks interesting. Looks like Ubisoft's take on Zombie Mode if you ask me..

Season Pass usually gets you all the DLC available for the game but I think I'm going to have to start tracking all the available DLC so I won't miss out anything or purchase them twice when it comes out on the PSN store.

DLC.. Like it or Hate it? Let me know what you think of the content WatchDogs is adding via DLC.

Buy Watch Dogs for PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U and PC on